It seems that everywhere I turn these days, people are talking about marketing. But maybe that’s just because I know I need to start my first marketing campaign, so I’m hyper-tuned in to it. (Sort of like when I was pregnant, and it seemed like all of a sudden there were pregnant women everywhere. Maybe it’s all about perception.)
But marketing is not a perception; it’s a necessity. Especially if, like me, you’re relatively new to this whole voiceover world and want to start getting some regular (and dare we say it? higher paying?) clients, outside of the whole pay-to-play world.
A couple of weeks ago in my “want to be treated like a pro? act like one!” blog, I alluded to the fact that I would soon be putting together a marketing campaign. And I promised to share images of my marketing package here.
Now, I’ve been lucky to have worked with some awesome, top-notch people in my lifetime who happen to believe in professionalism at its highest level, beginning with creating stellar branding, adding on an impressive presentation, and backing it all up with an impeccable level of quality and service. (Thanks, @momenta, for reminding me to “find my inner Alberto!”)
Thanks also to Doug Turkel (@UNnouncer), who inspired me when I listened to his coffee date interview with Kristine Oller (@kristineoller), where he talked about his early days and stuffing what I believe was then a tape in boxes packed with Bazooka (or was it Double Bubble?) gum in an effort to stand out and be memorable. (Remember, imitation is the sincerest form of flattery!)
So here you have it, pictures of my voice of barbara marketing campaign:
- Branding branding branding. Postcard matches disc matches business card.
- A yummy surprise–Wint-O-Green Lifesavers (and I include a note about them in my letter, at the bottom. It tells you that they really do spark in the dark when you bite them, and why!)
- Postcard, demo and business card go inside with the Lifesavers
- Add in the introductory letter, with logo/company name visible
- The box as the client gets it.
- A side view of the box. They are actually jewelry boxes that I ordered, and then I affixed stickers that I had printed from MOO on top.