If your first response to that question is, “Huh?” then let me clarify. A “responsive” website is one that automatically adjusts its size and structure so that it can be optimally viewed on any given device, from a desktop/laptop computer to a tablet to a smart phone.
By “optimally,” I mean being able to view the website’s content without having to do a lot of extra panning or resizing. All of the content automatically reformats based on the device that the user is using to view the website.
With more and more people using tablets and smartphones for business purposes, it definitely behooves you to have a responsive website! This way no matter where people are, or what device they’re using, they can easily view your content, listen to your demos, etc. After all, this business is competitive enough. Why give a potential client an easy excuse to pass you up?
The good news is there are a ton of responsive templates out there, no matter what service you’re using to host your website. If your website isn’t responsive, you might want to think about updating it. Think of it as another item on your marketing “to-do” list. Yes, it may take some time, but hey, when it’s done, letting people know about your new website is another post/update you can add to your social media campaign!
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